The YMCA is dedicated to the health of our community and we want to help your company offer a great benefit to your employees with a YMCA Membership. By connecting with the Y, your employees receive personalized service that supports them on their journey to get and stay active as they are more engaged in a healthier lifestyle. The YMCA offers corporate membership programs that actively engage the entire family and your employees with appreciate your genuine investment in their health and well-being.
Corporate Benefits
- Reduced employee and company healthcare costs
- Improved productivity and employee morale
- Improved employee retention and recruitment
- Reduced employee absenteeism
- Improved employee relations
- Employees who are more connected in the community
Member Benefits
- Access to the McCook YMCA facility and thousands throughout the United States
- Member pricing on youth programs, YMCA Youth Sports, and family activities
- Free group exercise classes offered throughout the day and for all levels
- Free wellness appointment with a YMCA Wellness Coach to discuss achieving each individual’s wellness goals
- Personal and small group training at our discounted member rate
- Volunteer opportunities
- The pride in knowing you are a member of far more than a gym. You are a member of a nonprofit association that empowers our youth, strengthens families, and builds community
Current Corporate Membership Partners
- Bison Dental
- BNSF (Railroad)
- City of McCook
- Community Hospital
- High Plains Radio
- Hillcrest Nursing Home
- Hometown Family Radio
- Kugler Company
- McCook Clinic
- McCook Daily Gazette
- McCook Public Schools
- Midplains Community College
- Ministerial Association
- MNB Bank
- Physical Therapy (SW NE)
- Pinnacle Bank
- Red Willow County
- State of Nebraska
- Valmont
- Walmart
- W Design Associates
- Wellness Partners LLC
Become a Corporate Partner
Eligible Groups
- Any company or business with 4 or more employees and a valid tax identification number.
Group Contact Person
The YMCA requires that each group designate one person from the company to work with the YMCA in regards to:
- Informing potential members of the plan
- Completing membership application cards
- Collecting membership dues when required
- Send a complete list of employees participating
Discount Rates
Non-payroll Deduct
- 10% off any membership for employees who work for your business. Employees are responsible for automatic payment to the YMCA of McCook.
Payroll Deduct
- 15% off any membership for employees who work for your business. The business is required to provide payment to the YMCA of McCook on behalf of the employees enrolled by deducting it from their paycheck.
Please contact Kenna Wilcox at [email protected] to inquire about your business becoming a Corporate Membership Partner today.