Benefits of Membership
- Significant discounts for Y programs
- Unlimited group exercise and water aerobics classes at no additional cost
- Two free wellness appointments with our experienced Wellness Coaches
- Free Youth Wellness Training Program available to those 10-15 years old
- Nationwide Membership while traveling in the US
- Available amenities include: Complete Weight Room, Running Track, Cardio Area, Functional Fitness Area, Sauna for adults, Six Lane Main Pool, 25×25 Teaching Pool, Whirlpool, Family Locker Rooms (2), Double Gym, Racquetball Court, Youth Activity Center, Game Room, Multipurpose Room with Rental Available
Membership Rates
The chart below outlines current membership rates for the YMCA of McCook. There are no joiner fees and no contracts! Please note that all monthly memberships automatically renew unless a cancellation form is completed.
All annual memberships paid in full receive one month free!
Membership Type | Monthly Rate | Annual Rate Paid in Full |
Youth (K-12th Grade) Age 18 and under, single youth. A parent/guardian must remain inactive on the account. | $22 | $242 |
Young Adult (19-22) One person, age 19-23 or any full-time college student taking at least 12 credit hours. | $36 | $396 |
Adult (24-61) Single adult age 24-61. Full facility use. | $46 | $506 |
Two Adult Two adults residing in the same household with no children. | $62 | $682 |
Single Adult with Youth One adult plus any children through age 18 or in high school residing in the same household and full-time unmarried college students through age 23. | $57 | $627 |
Two Adult with Youth (Family) Two adults plus any children through age 18 or in high school residing in the same household and full-time unmarried college students through age 23. | $67 | $737 |
Senior Citizen Adult (62+) One adult 62 years old or older. Full facility use. | $38 | $418 |
Senior Citizen Two Adult Two seniors (62+ years old) residing in the same household with no children. Full facility use. | $50 | $550 |
General Information
The YMCA of McCook offers corporate membership discounts, a 15% veteran’s and active duty military discounts, and financial assistance through the Community Strong program.
Visit the Corporate Membership page to learn more about what businesses participate and how yours may qualify.
We are proud to offer a 15% membership discount to all military veterans and active duty military. To qualify, bring in your DD 214 to the front desk and our staff will help you get your well deserved discount!
We believe all are welcome at the YMCA regardless of ability to pay. Thanks to generous support from the friends of the YMCA, financial assistance is available through the Community Strong program. Financial Assistance is awarded through a sliding scale based on family income and size, so that all individuals, children, and families can enjoy the many benefits the Y has to offer.
Proof of income is required. Financial assistance must be renewed on a yearly basis. All information is confidential. Applications may be downloaded here: Financial Assistance Application or picked up at the front desk.
The YMCA of McCook will honor any current YMCA membership card. Nationwide Membership enables you to visit any participating Y in the United States through membership at your “home” YMCA (your home location is the facility that enrolled you as a member and that collects your membership dues). Not all services may be offered to Nationwide members. Please contact the facility you wish to visit for further details.
- Youth (K-12) – $5.00
- Adult (out of high school) – $7.00
- Senior Citizen (62+) – $6.00
- Family – $20.00
There are no joiner fees at the YMCA of McCook. Instead, there is a $25 Reactivation Fee that will be charged at the time of renewal for all members who have cancelled their membership or when a membership lapses for any period of time.
Guidelines set in the membership policy will be followed. The reactivation fee is non-refundable. Membership refunds will only be considered for legitimate reasons on a case by case basis. Refunds will not be given simply because a membership is not being used.
Monthly memberships will automatically renew and must be paid via bank or debit/credit card withdrawal. Draft day is the fourth of each month. To discontinue monthly memberships, a cancellation form must be completed and submitted in person or via email prior to the membership renewal date. Memberships will continue to be valid through the current billing cycle. Telephone cancellations will not be accepted.
Cancellation forms can be picked up at the front desk or write/e-mail to:
YMCA of McCook
Kenna Wilcox, Membership Director
P. O. Box 408
McCook, NE 69001-0408
[email protected]
Membership refund requests must be submitted in writing using the information above.